"Title": "Jason X",
"Year": "2001",
"Rated": "R",
"Released": "26 Apr 2002",
"Runtime": "91 min",
"Genre": "Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller",
"Director": "James Isaac",
"Writer": "Victor Miller (characters), Todd Farmer",
"Actors": "Kane Hodder, Jeff Geddis, Lexa Doig, David Cronenberg",
"Plot": "Jason Voorhees returns with a new look, a new machete, and his same murderous attitude as he is awakened on a spaceship in the 25th century.",
"Language": "English",
"Country": "USA",
"Awards": "1 nomination.",
"Poster": "http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ3NjA5NjcyNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMzg5NjQ5._V1_SX300.jpg",
"Metascore": "25",
"imdbRating": "4.3",
"imdbVotes": "31,145",
"imdbID": "tt0211443",
"Type": "movie",
"Response": "True"
curl --silent "http://www.omdbapi.com/?i=&t=Jason+X" | jq '.Director'
"James Isaac"
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keyword search for Frankenstein
items from before 1923
URL of the actual image file
[{"name":"Motion pictures"},
{"name":"Boris Karloff"},
{"name":"Performing Arts"},
{"name":"Actors and actresses"},
{"name":"Freulich, Roman"},
{"name":"Karloff, Boris"},
Subjects tagged in the record
Time to make Apps!
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"location_name":"Help Desk",
"schedule_name":"Fall Term",
Screen scraping happens
Finding the length of a movie using IMDB
Ah there it is!
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Not fun